Our March 29th meeting was a tremendous success! Thank you to all who attended the meeting. The WRDA prouded over $700 as a donation to the Food Bank of Westchester!
Thank you to our speakers. Please visit their websites and consider becoming a member of their Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)- Farm Share Program!
Stone Barns Center in Pocantico Hills: http://www.stonebarnscenter.org/visit/explore/stone-barns-csa.html
John McDowell, Rockland Farm Alliance in New City: http://cropseycommunityfarm.csasignup.com/members/types
Steffen Schneider, Hawthorne Valley Farm in Ghent (Columbia Co.): http://hawthornevalleyfarm.org/where-to-buy/community-supported-agriculture-csa/
Mike Fedison, Hilltop Hanover Farm in Yorktown Heights : http://www.hilltophanoverfarm.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/CSA2014App1.pdf
Doug DeCandia, Food Bank of Westchester
Joan Dye Gussow, Teacher, Author, Organic Producer