Title: Understanding the Power of Plant-Based Nutrition and Putting it to Work in your Practice
Speaker: Peggy Kraus, MA, DCES, RCEP
Date: 3/31/20
Time: 12:30 PM -1:30 PM
Bio: Peggy Kraus, MA, DCES, RCEP, is a diabetes care and education specialist and a registered clinical exercise physiologist. She advocates for a plant-based diet, regular exercise, and other lifestyle behaviors to improve quality of life by reversing chronic disease.
In 2014, Peggy created Erasing Diabetes. She is the quality coordinator and the sole instructor for the AADE-accredited diabetes education program that teaches progressive ways to reduce blood glucose and erase type 2 diabetes. Peggy also facilitates Wellness Challenge 360°, a community-based 7-week program that encourages participants to adopt a plant-based diet and to make other positive lifestyle changes. And for more than 20 years, Peggy has been a clinical exercise physiologist in CardioPulmonary Rehab at Stony Brook Southampton Hospital where she advocates for the lifestyle that she herself leads.
Members, Affiliates, Students - Free Non-Members - $15.00
Credits: 1