Westchester Rockland Dietetic Association

WRDA is a professional organization of nutrition experts serving Westchester, Rockland, and their neighboring counties.  Please explore our website for information about the dietetic profession, opportunities, and events for dietitians in our district as well as the latest news and information on nutrition and health. Our membership is made up of nutrition professionals who work and/or live in the Westchester/Rockland area.  

WRDA is committed to leading the future of the dietetics profession and its members while serving the public through the promotion of optimal nutrition and well-being. We are an affiliate of the New York State Dietetic Association (NYSDA) and all of our members are members of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics (AND), the world's largest organization of food and nutrition professionals.

Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Instagram

Upcoming events

Thursday, March 20, 2025 8:30 AM • Pace University-Pleasantville Campus-861 Bedford Road, Pleasantville, NY 10570 Kessel Student Center

WRDA Academic Scholarship 2025-2026

The WRDA is awarding two scholarships for the 2025-2026 academic year: one $1,000 and one $500 amounts to students enrolled in a food and nutrition program or to students accepted into an internship or AP4 program for the 2025-2026 academic year.  The application needs to be submitted to the Chairperson by June 28, 2025 .

Applications details to follow shortly.  

For the application to be considered complete, applicants must submit:

1. Completed application form which includes overall GPA as well as GPA in nutrition specific classes.

2. Two letters of recommendation: one from a program director or program faculty member familiar with your coursework and another from a supervisor at a volunteer or paid nutrition-related position.

3. Personal statement. One double-spaced page (maximum) that identifies one or two nutrition-related issues and how you as a practitioner plan to address them. Issues can be individual or community based. 

4. Work experience. Submit a resume or a separate page which includes present and past employers, dates worked, job title, hours worked, paid or volunteer, and a brief description of job duties and level of responsibility.

All requested information should be submitted online.

NYSAND Updates on Public Policy and Reimbursement Issues

NYSAND held a series of lunch-hour updates on public policy and reimbursement issues in January and February 2021.  Links to recordings can be found below and on the NYSAND website.  Further information is available from the WRDA Public Policy Co-Chairs, Elisa M Bremner and  Susan Juechter.  Email WRDABoard@gmail.com to contact them.  

Reimbursement and Telehealth Updates
Lois Chait, NYSAND Reimbursement Chair & Ellie Wilson, NYSAND Medicaid Taskforce Co-Chair

Federal Policy Updates for 2021

Jessica Garay, NYSAND Public Policy Coordinator

Therapeutic Diet Order Writing Privileges Bill Update

Josephine Connolly-Schoonen & Ann Darcy, NYSAND TDO Taskforce Co-Chairs with Chrissie Rutigliano, Roffee Group

NYS Licensure Bill Update

Karen Ostrum, NYSAND Licensure Taskforce Chair with Chrissie Rutigliano, Roffee Group

Let's Engage With Our Legislators

WRDA's Public Policy Committee would like to remind you that nutrition advocacy doesn't end with voting!

The Tisch Center for Food Policy rates your representatives.  Click on an interactive map to see whether your legislators voted to keep food safe, healthy, and affordable. 

Or you can check your legislator's report card to see how many bills they've sponsored, their voting record, and more! 

Visit the Academy's Action Center to weigh in with your legislators.  The work has been done for you, all you have to do is sign your name to a letter for your representatives.  You are encouraged to add any additional information to personalize your letter.  Advocating for your patients, the public, and your career couldn't be easier!

Send your MNT Success Stories to NYSAND

NYSAND is asking for our assistance to highlight MNT Success among our members. This effort is to engage and show NYS Legislators that dietitians are vital to the healthcare continuum.  

What can you do?  NYSAND is seeking concise snapshots of your MNT success stories to share in a social media and grassroots lobbying campaign.  Think of these stories as "MN-Tweets" and try to keep them as direct as possible.  The goal is to demonstrate the outcomes of MNT to these decision-makers and hearing directly from you is important!  These stories or snapshots of your successes can include positive outcomes or patient/client testimonials (No personal health information). NYSAND will use these as a way to appeal and show NYS how important MNT is.

You can share the information on the form found on the NYSAND website.  You'll need to sign in to the NYSAND website or create an account and the form is easily completed from there.  We hope to hear from as many of you as possible!

Looking for a CPEU certificate for a past WRDA event?

Event attendees for all 2020-2021 events were emailed a link to the CPEU certificate after program completion.  If you can't find the email or the link is not working, send an email to WRDABoard@gmail.com with the title and/or date of the event.  We can verify attendance in the event log and email you a copy of the certificate.  Please allow at least 10 days lead time for certificates.  

Student Blog posts

Thursday, November 16, 2023 6:58 PM • Jessica Tosto
Tuesday, October 24, 2023 3:37 PM • Jessica Tosto
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 2:25 PM • Jessica Tosto
Tuesday, April 18, 2023 1:30 PM • Jessica Tosto

Email: wrdaboard@gmail.com
©Westchester Rockland Dietetic Association 2020-2021

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